Reagan’s Roundup (8/14)

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Welcome to this week’s edition of Reagan’s Roundup!

Here are some links to fuel your journey toward being a more productive Christian.

Now, for what’s happening on the web:

Fear Your Fear of Man

One of the greatest obstacles to obedience and faithful stewardship is fearing people and their opinions more than we fear God. This from Marshall Segal is excellent.

Your Job Well Done: Why Good Work Matters to God

I appreciated this from Dan Doriani. “Educators say, “I just teach math,” and leaders say they “just” clarify problems or assemble teams. Some of us say “I just” because we long to stay humble. Others say “I just” because we never hear “Well done” or because we can’t see the value of our work.”

I had Dr. Doriani in episode 22 of the podcast in which we talked about some of these subjects.

How Seminary Prepared Me to Pastor During COVID

Check this out from my friend, Eric Dodson, “’There was no class in seminary on pastoring during a pandemic.’ I’ve heard this said many times. I’ve even said it a few times myself. But, in the last few weeks, I’ve reflected on all the ways the Lord has been kind to our church through this pandemic. As I’ve done so, the Lord has shown me ways He used seminary to prepare me to serve our church through this strange season.”

Sin’s Corruption of Our Conduct

From John MacArthur, “All false religions lie to us about man. While most of them concede that man has not reached perfection, they refuse to acknowledge the bare sinful facts of life and history. They insist on offering a system of human achievement that can please God. Only God’s Word tells us the painful yet loving truth that we cannot save ourselves—that the corruption of sin thoroughly permeates every facet of human existence.”

Teach Us to Number Our Days

“This verse is often treated as if it were a proverb that means, ‘Life is short, so live wisely.’ But in the context of the whole psalm, it means much more than that, as we will see. It is a key part of a meditation on God and on living as the people of God.”

COVID-19 and the Power of a Pastor’s Phone

“There’s an underreported ministry practice that has surged in the days since COVID-19 arrived in the United States: the prevalence of pastors committed to calling all of their church members.”

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