Your weekly roundup of insights and resources to help you get more done for the glory of God.
In Today’s Issue:
- Plans for the Year
- Why Don’t We Read the Bible More?
- App for Limiting Distractions
- The Anti-Social Generation
- Quote: Being Listened to & Being Loved
Dear steward,
I’m still in the trenches this week, trying to finish some projects. But, Lord willing, I’ll be back to writing original articles soon.
In the meantime, enjoy this week’s link roundup!
P.S. I’ll be in Nashville next week doing a workshop at Reformed Youth Ministries’ YLT conference. If you happen to be there, please come and say hello!
The Roundup
The best links & resources I found this week.
What Are Your Plans For This Year? (2 mins)
Crook and Psalter
This is a lovely reflection on the value of simple faithfulness.
“I’m sure God has something planned for me and perhaps that’s why the monotonous description of my day-to-day does not chafe. Surely, God has something for this year. But how to find it?”
Why Don’t We Read the Bible More? (7 mins)
Ava Ligh / By Faith

“The real reasons we don’t read the Bible go unexamined because we consider them unacceptable. The Bible feels boring and like a waste of time. I’ve had this confirmed by the college students to whom I minister. It’s boring for those who have grown up in Sunday School and feel they already know all the stories and key verses and that there’s nothing new to learn. It feels like a waste of time for those who find the Bible difficult to understand.”
An App for Eliminating Digital Distraction
Clearspace is an interesting app that adds what the developers call “an intentionality layer” to your phone usage. This is great if you want to limit your usage of certain apps but find that you click ignore on screen time reminders.
When you open an app like, say, Facebook, Clearspace prompts you to pause for 5 seconds and breathe. It gives subtle reminders about how many times you’ve opened the app today. You can even set it up to “pull you out” after 5, 10, or 15 minutes.
It works on both Apple and Android phones and as a Chrome extension.
The Anti-Social Generation (30 mins)
Derek Thompson / The Atlantic

I don’t normally link to paywalled articles. But if you’re an Atlantic subscriber, this one is well worth the read.
“Countless books, articles, and cable-news segments have warned Americans that smartphones can negatively affect mental health and may be especially harmful to adolescents. But the fretful coverage is, if anything, restrained given how greatly these devices have changed our conscious experience.”
Quote of the Week
“Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.”
David W. Augsburger
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