Reagan’s Roundup: January 16, 2025

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Your weekly roundup of insights and resources to help you get more done for the glory of God.

In Today’s Issue:

  • Never Too Busy to Pray
  • How to Read More in 2025
  • Christian Podcasts, Audiobooks & Music for Kids
  • Reflecting on One Year Off Social Media
  • Quote: Spurgeon on Prayer as Time Management

Dear steward,

I’m in East Texas this week, speaking at the Beyond Business Summit.

Praying you enjoy a fruitful and productive week!

The Roundup

The best links & resources I found this week.

Never Too Busy to Pray (6 mins)

Scott Hubbard / Desiring God

Wow, this is convicting. But I’d encourage you not to stop at conviction but let those pangs of conscience motivate you to make a plan to prioritize prayer. Start with this keystone habit.

The idea of prioritizing prayer sounds wonderful — until prioritizing prayer means not doing something we would very much like to do. We can talk about prioritizing prayer all we want, but we don’t truly do so unless we regularly set aside second-best priorities, some of them pressing, to get alone with God.

How to Read More in 2025 (4 mins)

Thomas Kidd

Thomas weighs the idea of aiming at a daily page count and other tips for reading more. There are some good tips here and a general encouragement to plan to read more.

Here are some other reading resources I’ve made over the years that you might find helpful:

Redeem the Drive Time: Audio Resources for Families (4 mins)

Betsy Childs Howard / The Gospel Coalition

This is an excellent roundup of audio resources for kids.

Two from the list my kids listen to almost constantly are Sing the Bible by Slugs and Bugs (Spotify | Apple Music) and Rain for Roots (Spotify | Apple Music). I also found a few other groups and podcasts on this list that we’ll be trying!

Something I Like


I always carry a tiny notebook in my back pocket. But I have a problem. The cheap notebooks almost always get destroyed from me sitting on them and bending them so much. But I hate shelling out money for more expensive pocket notebooks with tougher bindings and covers every few months.

Brad Lee has solved my problem with his leather journal mini notebook. He was kind enough to send me one, and I love this thing. It looks great. And the leather cover protects my cheap notebooks. And when I need a new notebook, I can grab a 3-pack at Walmart for a few bucks, and I’m good to go.

Brad also has custom leather-bound Bibles, bookmarks, beard oil, and more.

This isn’t an ad, and I’m not an affiliate or anything; I just really like his stuff. And Brad has generously offered to give my readers a 20% discount on his Etsy shop if you use the code “REAGAN” at checkout (offer ends January 24th).

What’s New On Redeeming Productivity

Reflecting on One Year Off Social Media (19 mins)

It’s been a year since I deleted all of my social media accounts. Here are nine lessons I’ve learned since leaving the platforms:

Quote of the Week

Do not be in a hurry. Make time for prayer, for this is the way to gain all the time you need.

Charles Spurgeon

Thanks for reading!

Reagan Rose

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