Your weekly roundup of insights and resources to help you get more done for the glory of God.
In Today’s Issue:
- How to Discern Your Calling
- Stewarding Money in Marriage
- The Arc of Every Long Project
- Daylight Savings & Spiritual Disciplines
- Quote: Andrew Peterson on Work as Worship
Dear steward,
Happy Reformation Day!
This week on the podcast, I explored the topic of vocation and finding one’s calling, which the Protestant Reformer Martin Luther was passionate about.
I usually produce a written version, but I just ran out of time. But you can watch “How to Discern Your Calling” on YouTube or listen to it on your preferred podcast platform. Just search for my show, “Redeeming Productivity.”
And hit subscribe while you’re at it ;)
The best links I found this week
For Richer, for Poorer: How to Steward Money in Marriage (8 mins)
Randy Alcorn / Desiring God
This the best article I read this week. If you’re married, please take 8 minutes to go through it. You’ll be glad you did.
If we believe that God can create us, redeem us, and bring us through death to spend eternity with him, we can take him at his word when he says he will provide for our material needs.
The Arc of Every Long Project
John Hendrix, Andrew Peterson
In the Academy, we’ve been discussing the emotional battle that change requires. We get excited about a new opportunity or goal, but then it ends up being more challenging than we first thought. And there’s this moment where we either turn back and try something we think will be easier, or we push through.

This week, Ben Durand pointed us to this illustration by artist John Hendrix, that applies a similar metaphor to the any long project.
While you study that illustration, listen to this interview with Andrew Peterson in which he talks about the illustration and how he thinks about the creative process as a Christian.
Daylight Saving and Spiritual Disciplines (4 mins)
Glenna Marshall

…I think sometimes we view January 1st as an excuse to keep living life per usual, especially when it comes to spiritual disciplines like Bible-reading and prayer. We’ve made a mess of our spiritual habits to this point, we think. Might as well wait a few more months to start over. But for North American readers, I’d like to encourage you not to wait until January to start (or start again) reading your Bible and praying. Start this weekend when Daylight Saving Time ends.
Redeeming Productivity
How to Discern Your Calling (38 mins)
What am I supposed to be doing with my life? God has a specific calling for your life, but often, we struggle to figure out what that is. In this episode, Reagan shows how individual believers figure into God’s plans for the ages and questions we can ask to determine exactly where we fit in our homes, jobs, and churches.
Quote of the Week
“Since we were made to glorify God, worship happens when someone is doing exactly what he or she was made to do.”
Andrew Peterson
Thanks for reading!
Reagan Rose
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