2024 Q3 Goal Resources

Self-Assessment Quiz

Use this tool to prayerfully assess how you’re doing and which domains of stewardship you should be targeting with new goals and habits.

Summer Goal Challenge Event

On Tuesday, June 25th at 12 PM Eastern, we hosted a live workshop helping you plan out your goals for Q3.

Click here to watch the replay.

Goal-Setting Worksheets

Printable PDF

Markdown Version

Copy/paste this into your markdown editor or any tool that supports markdown.

# 2024 Q3 Goal:

## Domain:
*Which domain of stewardship do you want to work on? (e.g. Spiritual, Relationships, Calling, Health, Finances, or Recreation)*

### Domain "Well Done":
*Write out the portion of your "Well Done" statement that pertains to this domain.*

*E.g. “You have been faithful to your calling of helping My brothers and sisters become more faithful stewards for My Father’s glory.”*

## Goal:
*What’s the ONE goal I want to accomplish this quarter?*

*E.g. “Turn in Stewardship book manuscript”*

## Date:
*E.g. “July 31st, 2024”*

### Definition of Done
*When will I know I’ve reached this goal?*

*E.g. “I have completed all chapters including revisions and emailed the full edited manuscript to the publisher by end of day September 31st, 2024.”*

### Waypoint 1:
**Deadline:** _(E.g. Jul. 31st)_

*Describe the first project you'll complete to bring you closer to your goal.*

*E.g. “Outline and first draft of all chapters written.”*

### Waypoint 2:
**Deadline:** _(E.g. August 31st)_
*Describe the second project you'll complete to bring you closer to your goal.*

### Waypoint 3:
**Deadline:** _(E.g. September 30th)_
*Describe the third project you'll complete to bring you closer to your goal.*

## Habit / Oars:
*What's one daily habit that will ensure you make progress on your goal every day?* 

*I will [BEHAVIOR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION]*

*(”e.g. write for 1-hour every morning from 6-7am on the basement couch”)*

*Use the checkboxes below to track each day you complete this habit.*

### July
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### August
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### September
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