✅ For a step-by-step guide to self-discipline checkout my course, POWER Mornings. It’s a simple morning routine designed for productive Christians.
I have written in the past about my love/hate relationship with my iPhone. And others have written at length about the ways our phones are changing us. Nevertheless, there are many ways
10 – Scripture Typer
Scripture memorization isn’t just for Sunday school kids. Hiding passages of the Bible in your heart gives you a great well of truth to draw from when you are facing temptation or trial. Daily Bible reading is one way, but a dedicated plan for Scripture memorization is another way to saturate your mind with God’s Word. It can also provide the fuel for biblical meditation throughout your day.

Scripture Typer is a Christian app which makes memorizing verses just that much easier. More than mere flash cards, this app systematically removes words in the verses you are attempting to memorize until you can type the whole thing from memory. It also has prompts for when to review the verses you have already mastered so that you retain them over time.
I wish it was a bit more feature rich with more methods of memorization, but this is still a great app which is why it comes in at number 10 on my list for the best Christian apps for iPhone.

Bonus: This is a great little ebook on a method for extended Scripture memorization.
9 – Sermon Audio
God designed His

I have used the Sermon Audio website for years. It provides the ability to find preachers from around the world to listen to. You can search by name, topic, or Bible passage. This handy Sermon Audio app makes it easy to stream or download a sermon. And if your church uses Sermon Audio, you can set it up so that you are tracking with all of your pastor’s latest messages.
8 – Overcast
I find the default iOS podcast app to be frustrating and unintuitive. I recently made the switch, therefore, to Overcast. Overcast is an award-winning podcast app that organizes your podcasts in a simple way. But why am I even recommending a podcast app at all on my list of the best Christian apps?
There are tons of great Christian podcasts out there. I’ve mentioned at least one before. But podcasts are a great way to keep up with what’s going on in the Christian world or, like sermon audio, to get the latest sermons from your church or other preachers you like.
So, whether you’ve been using the default podcasts app for a while or have never even tried listening to podcasts, I recommend you download the free Overcast app and add it to your personal list of best Christian apps for iPhone.
7 – You Need a Budget
We’ve talked before about the importance of having a budget for financial stewardship. And I even wrote a post on the best budgeting software for Christians, You Need a Budget. So, I’ve included the YNAB app in this list of best Christian apps. Because for me it is a critical component to ensuring that I am being the wisest steward I can possibly be with God’s resources.

While the app itself is free, you need to be a YNAB customer to use the service. Check out my full article on YNAB for more information on this great budgeting software.
6 – RefNet
Podcasts and sermons are great, but

RefNet from the folks at Ligonier Ministries is a wonderful internet radio station which curates excellent sermons and teaching from trusted teachers along with elevated worship music and Bible reading. The iPhone app is a great way to bring RefNet with you wherever you go which is why it is number 6 on the 10 best Christians apps for iPhone.
5 – The Study Bible
I keep several Bible apps on my phone. In fact, the one I use the most, Accordance, isn’t even on this list because I thought it would be too specialized. But one Bible app I keep on my iPhone is The Study Bible by Grace to You.

It’s quite a nice app and includes the ability to listen to an audio Bible companion to whatever passage you are on. But the killer feature to this app is that for an in-app purchase you can get all of the notes from the MacArthur Study Bible. I frequently find myself referencing this resource. So, having it in my pocket is tremendously handy. It also gives the ability to access all of MacArthur’s sermon archives from within the Bible app as well.

4 – Productive – Habit Tracker
I am a strong believer in healthy habits. Training yourself for holiness includes daily rhythms that gradually over time shape you into the man or woman God wants you to be. But habits are hard to form, so I’ll take any help I can get!
One app I’ve found to be helpful in forming habits is Productive. It allows you to set up habits and the frequency with which you would like to do them (e.g. daily, weekly, only on Sundays, etc.) and it will remind you at certain times to do them and ask you to log whether you have or haven’t performed that habit. It gives you rewards for keeping up a streak and gives you a good historical picture of how well you’ve done. There’s nothing like looking back on your calendar and seeing that you haven’t broken that streak for an entire month.
I’ve used this app to track daily Bible reading and prayer habits, exercise, and even to track things I want to avoid doing. The digital accountability this app provides is why it’s number four on the 10 best
3 – Grace to You Sermons
If you want solid expository verse-by-verse teaching, John MacArthur is your man. And the Grace to You Sermons app is your ticket to all of

This guy has preached verse-by-verse through the entire New Testament. So, if you’re wanting to hear a sermon on any passage in the New Testament, this app has you covered. I have had this app on my phone for years so I can listen to the daily GTY broadcast. I really think this is one of the best iPhone apps for Christians, which is why it takes the number three spot on this list.
2 – Prayer Mate
How many times have you told someone “I’ll pray for you” and then immediately forgotten? Prayer Mate is a simple and handy app that allows you to store up all of the things you want to be praying about and have it give you a prayer list each day. This app helps you not to forget

One of the coolest thing about tracking prayer requests over the long-term is when you get to change a daily prayer request from a request into a praise because you have seen it be answered. It’s also really neat to be able to text a friend and let them know you are praying for something specific they told you about months or even years ago. That is tremendously encouraging.

1 – Bible
The Bible App by Life Church is simply the best Bible app for the iPhone. There is no

I also prefer the interface on this Bible app to every other Bible app out there. The ability to flip through chapters with the arrows instead of typing in the reference or scrolling is much more natural (especially in church when your pastor is flipping pages like a madman).

Conclusion – More of the Best iPhone Apps for Christians
There you have it, the 10 best iPhone apps for Christians. I hope you found this list helpful, and if I left any apps off that you think should have made the top 10, give them a shout out in the comments and I’ll check it out.
Truth for Life app. Is in my top 10.
Alister Beggs podcast is a worthy one ass well.
Christian’s need a list of other android applications that Christian app makers write so Christian’s have not only Holy Bible apps to choose from but other apps like tools, productivity, personalization, health, family, all categories of apps that they are aware of and know are developed by a Christian for other Christian’s. Pass the idea around to other Christian’s in charge so we can encourage the community to support these apps over other secular apps and evil apps and evil app designs. Let us make it so Christian’s when using search engine and type in Christian apps we would have many to choose from. God Bless You
Good list! I like the Bible app and heading to grab that Overcast app now.. Thank you! If you are a guy, add the Live Bold App. It takes the Bible and faith into every day life. They have a 4 step plan for guys to help build spiritual disciplines. It’s been helpful. I also like the iDisciple app, good food from many different perspectives.
Thanks for the recommendations, John! I’ll check out Live Bold and iDisciple.
Are you reformed?
Yes, I am.
So glad I found you, but wish it would have been two months ago. I recently downloaded Todoist (it’s OK), Prayer Prompter (haven’t used yet as it seems complicated), and Intuit’s Mint (I’ve set it up: provides lots of alerts and nice net worth snapshot, easy edit of transactions). I have long-ago installed ( and occasionally use but not in over a year) Scripture Typer, now called Bible Memory (Pro Version).
I’ll start with your suggestion for Bible, Prayer Mate (now simply paper-based), Productivity, The Study Bible (for weekly Men’s Study group), and You Need a Budget.
Thanks for sharing your research and preferences. BTW, how does one financially support your work?
Thanks for the comment, Marty.
As for financially supporting my work, just keep visiting the site and checking out the articles. I run a few ads to pay cover web hosting costs. But it actually never occurred to me to set up a Patreon or something similar until you just said that. Maybe, I’ll consider doing something like that eventually. Appreciate, the thought!
Thanks for the reviews. I’m currently using a Bible App plan, and it makes reading God’s Word more of a consistent to do…
Thanks for sharing, Scott. That’s one of my favorite features on that app. They implemented reading plans really well.
We launched a peer-to-peer app for young adults by young adults who do life together called, YMI. Reagan would love for you to take a look: http://www.ymi.today/app
Joshua Project is another great app! Gives you different unreached people groups to pray for.
This their a app just for Christians to leave messages for each other like a Christian Messenger . I am talking to my Pastor friend from Africa on Hangouts. A man there was trying to con me out of a Amazon gift card $50 or $100. I use to be a member of a Christian web site but they changed from everyone to only black people and since I am white need to leave.
Hi! Nice little resource article. Thank you. Have you come across any apps in the spirit of Acts 3:32? Something where Christians can post needs they have. And other Christians can brows for needs they are able to fulfill. And then freely share the items. ?? Many thanks.
Thanks for the article. Confession: This is from a boomer. I don’t see a more comprehensive app that would handle many areas; it seems like that might be useful. BUT would a more comprehensive app with lots of chapters/facets etc be too clumsy or take up too much disc space or some other problem that I wouldn’t be able to foresee?
Gratitude: Sounds & Verses is definitely another very good one: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gratitude-sounds-verses/id1545437569 Really good for daily devotion. https://yourgratitudejourney.com/
Tecarta Bible App is the best app I have used for iOS or Android. Simple and powerful.