Boasting in Weakness, Inefficient Church, The Best Use of Your Short Life, and More

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Dear steward,

It’s been a very humbling week for me.

For the last several months, I’ve been pushing myself hard, and it seems it’s finally caught up with me. Earlier this week, I caught a cold that turned into an infection that has had me laid up in bed this week and caused me to lose my voice completely.

And it couldn’t have come at a worse time. I was scheduled to be a guest on three podcasts this week and speak at a graduation commencement. All things which are significantly hampered by not being able to speak above a croaking whisper!

It’s humbling to miss a deadline. It’s humbling to have to cancel commitments and let people down. It’s humbling not to be able to do what you set out to do. It’s humbling to sit, rest, get nothing done, and just feel weak, especially when you prize productivity.

It doesn’t feel good to be humbled. But I was reminded this week that for the Christian, being humbled is a good thing. It’s a reality check. A reminder that even with the best productivity system and all the self-discipline in the world, apart from Christ, I can truly do nothing (John 15:5).

Being reminded of our weakness is a gracious gift from God; a providential reminder of our dependence upon Him. It shows us that productivity isn’t about what we can accomplish in our own strength but what Christ chooses to accomplish through us.

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV)

In Today’s Issue:

  • The Inefficient Church
  • The Best Use of Your Short Life
  • The Freedom of Embracing My Weaknesses
  • A quote about hating sin

The best links I found this week

The Inefficient Church (3 mins)

Darryl Dash / Dash House

Enjoyed this one from my friend Darryl.

“I’m all for certain kinds of efficiency. I just placed an online order to save a trip to the store. But I’m for the right kind of inefficiency: the inefficiency of caring enough to slow down and treat people like people, to know their names, and to actually care.”

The Best Use of Your Short Life (5 mins)

John Ensor / Desiring God

This is the question every Christian should be asking themselves.

“Joni’s husband is gone. Her firstborn has passed. Her sister lived to 108 but left us last December. Her joints ache. She grieves over the dramatic moral collapse of our society. She’s ready to go home. So the question returns: ‘Why am I still here?’”

The Freedom of Embracing My Weaknesses (3 mins)

Tim Challies

This one was feeling especially relevant to me this week. I think you’ll find it encouraging too.

“As important as it has been to learn who God has made me to be has been learning, admitting, and embracing who he has not made me to be.”

Quote of the Week

“Until sin be bitter, Christ will not be sweet.” – Thomas Watson

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