Spiritual Growth

Resources on growing as a Christian. Topics include Bible reading strategies, prayer plans, and strategies for maturing in Christlikeness.

3 Spiritual Benefits of Living Close to Work

About six months ago I took a new job, had a baby, and purchased a home. This was what they call a Significant Life Event (SLE). It was a lot all at once, but it was a lot of good. One of the seemingly small changes that came along with all of these big changes was that we landed in a home just a...

Stewardship & Productivity: A 10-Week Online Course

Recently, I had the privilege of producing a course titled Stewardship & Productivity for The Institute for Church Leadership (ICL). It’s just launched, so I wanted to take a moment to tell you about the class. The Content of the Class In this 10-lesson, self-paced, fully online course I...

Christian Stewardship: It’s Not Your Treasure to Bury

I don’t know about you but there’s only one place I’ve ever heard someone use the word “stewardship” and that’s in church. It’s not an exclusively Christian word, but if Oxford ever published a Lexicon of Christianese, “stewardship” would most certainly have an entry. Sadly, if this theoretical...

time is precious, jonathan edwards

4 Reasons Time is Precious – Jonathan Edwards

What is the most valuable resource in the universe? Jonathan Edwards would answer that question with, “time.” Time is the most precious resource in the universe. Dated December of 1734, Puritan pastor Jonathan Edwards’s, short essay The Preciousness of Time and The Importance of...

The Christian Benefit of Solitude in Nature

I’m going to argue that there is a real Christian benefit to spending time alone in nature. To some that may seem obvious, to others it may conjure up images of mystics in caves, granola munching hippies, or just the discomfort of sweat and bug bites. But there is something about even just a brisk...