A few years ago a viral video circulated of Navy Seal Admiral McRaven giving the commencement speech at University of Texas, Austin. Maybe you saw it...
3 Spiritual Benefits of Living Close to Work
About six months ago I took a new job, had a baby, and purchased a home. This was what they call a Significant Life Event (SLE). It was a lot all at...
Stewardship & Productivity: A 10-Week Online Course
Recently, I had the privilege of producing a course titled Stewardship & Productivity for The Institute for Church Leadership (ICL). It’s...
2018 Christmas Gift Guide for the Productive Christian in Your Life
Maybe you’ve got a productive Christian in your life or just want to get a little something for yourself. I’ve put together a list of...
Christian Stewardship: It’s Not Your Treasure to Bury
I don’t know about you but there’s only one place I’ve ever heard someone use the word “stewardship” and that’s in church. It’s not an exclusively...
Why We Need a Distinctly Christian Productivity
All philosophies of productivity, at bedrock, contain a theology. Therefore, there is a genuine need for a distinctly Christian productivity in the...
How to Read the Bible Every Day: 8 Ways to Make Devotions a Habit
We live in a time in which there is unprecedented access to Bible study tools—multiple excellent translations, study helps, internet resources, Bible...
4 Reasons Time is Precious – Jonathan Edwards
What is the most valuable resource in the universe? Jonathan Edwards would answer that question with, “time.” Time is the most precious...
What Living Full Time in an RV Taught Me About Minimalism and Contentment
One thing we didn't account for was just how selective we would need to be with what we brought on the RV. Thus, it was by my miserliness and Kim’s...