In this episode, Reagan shows how individual believers figure into God's plans for the ages, and questions we can ask to determine exactly where we...
“I Feel Guilty When I’m Not Overworking”
What do you do if your biggest issue isn't laziness, but that you can't get yourself to stop working when you should?
The Power & The Pitfalls of Side Hustles
Starting a side project to make some extra cash can be tempting. But make sure you count the cost before jumping in with both feet.
Closing the Gap Between Work and Worship
Worship isn’t just what you do when your hands are raised in church, but also when they’re typing at the keyboard, turning a wrench, or greeting a...
Workism: America’s New Religion?
“From jobs to careers to callings.”That’s what Derek Thompson says is the history of work in six words. In an excerpt from his new...
Why Every Christian Should Be an Optimist
Christian optimism isn’t just toxic positivity. In this episode, Reagan makes a biblical case that optimism is a feature of our faith and not a...
Delegation Is Discipleship
In this episode, Reagan offers a reframing of delegation—not as a way to shuffle your responsibilities off onto others, but as a way to disciple them...
5 Ways the Gospel Shapes Our Productivity
The gospel changes our eternal destiny, but the gospel also should reshape our view of life, purpose, work, and productivity.
The Pastor & Personal Productivity
As all Christians are commanded to bear much fruit, pastors should be concerned with productivity and time management to be fruitful for God.