Free Workshop: Post-Summer Productivity Reset

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I wanted to invite you to a free workshop on Friday, September 20th, at 12pm EDT.

Summer is great for relaxing, but sooner or later, September always shows up to crash the party:

  • School starts back up
  • Co-workers finish their summer vacations
  • The speed of life starts accelerating again

The September slump can seriously mess with your productivity.

See if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms:

  • Habits are out of whack (especially spiritual disciplines)
  • Lack of clarity about what you should be doing
  • A general sense of overwhelm

If that sounds like you, you may benefit from this free workshop I’m hosting next week.

​Your Post-Summer Productivity Reset​

In this free webinar, I’ll help you create a super actionable plan for bringing some order to your days so you can finish 2024 strong.

What we’ll cover:

  • Recovering the right mindset for God-glorifying work
  • Resetting your spiritual disciplines
  • Getting clarity on your projects and goals

Normally, these workshops are just for members of the ​Redeeming Productivity Academy​, but I decided to open this one up to everyone.

Register to join us Friday, September 20th, at noon EDT for this free workshop on Zoom.

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