Big news, personality tests, and memory palaces

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Issue #21: Some announcements, personality tests, memory palaces, convenience food, Christian exercise, and more.

Good day to you!

Welcome to another edition of Reagan’s Roundup, the weekly newsletter about personal productivity from a Christian perspective.

I gotta tell you, it’s been one of those weeks.

My 4-month-old has had a cold so my wife and I haven’t been sleeping very well. And it’s also been raining literally all week long. It’s a recipe for a down-in-the-dumps kind of mood.

Yet, despite all that, things are very good. Because God is good!

I’ve also got two exciting updates that are contributing to the good vibes:

1. I’ve signed on with Moody Publishers to write a book on a biblical approach to personal productivity!

Every time I think about it, I have to pinch myself.

Now, I just have to actually write the thing…

I’ll have some more details for you as the project comes along but wanted to share with you guys. Thanks for reading and sharing this newsletter, my blogs, podcasts, and videos. This wouldn’t have happened without you. Also, HUGE thanks to Jessica Mohr who helped with editing the proposal.

2. Redeeming Productivity is coming to AGTV

If you haven’t heard of it, American Gospel TV is an awesome streaming network. It’s packed full of quality, doctrinally-sound Christian content. And I couldn’t be more pleased to have The Redeeming Productivity Show join the platform!

You’ll still be able to listen on your favorite podcast platforms and watch on YouTube as before. Now there will just be one more place for you to watch new episodes. I’ll share the link once it’s up on AGTV, but do yourself a favor and check out the great films and teaching on American Gospel TV, and consider signing up and supporting this awesome platform.

Okay, enough about me. Let’s get into this week’s roundup! ????

????On the Podcast

Why we struggle to make Bible reading a habit

In this episode, we’re talking about the essential habit of daily Bible reading. I attempt to present the most convincing arguments for why you you need to make this habit part of your life.

The Redeeming Productivity Show is my weekly podcast on a biblical approach to personal development and productivity. Subscribe on your favorite platform.

????‍????Happening on the Web

Ten Thoughts About Personalities

I’m someone who has always been skeptical of the weight certain people put on personality tests in defining identity. That’s probably why I so appreciated these 10 insights on personality from Samuel James.

The New Testament’s words about dying to self and preferring others are difficult words and it is normal when trying to be faithful in these ways feels difficult. Difficulty itself is not a sign that we’re trying to be or do something we shouldn’t be trying.

(Samuel D. James | Insights)

Memorizing with a Memory Palace

A memory palace is an ancient mnemonic device that leverages the way we find it easiest to recall information: spatially and visually.

When I started seminary, I attended a workshop on memorization techniques. Over the course of two days, we learned about the science of memory and effective memorization. But we also got a crash course in building a memory palace (something which came in handy on those Greek vocab quizzes).

Memory palaces are a way to train yourself to recall massive sets of information. This article explains the history of this mnemonic device and how you can use it yourself.

And, yes, it’s a great way to impress your friends at parties.

(Farnam Street)

Glorify God with Your Body: How Exercise Serves the Christian Life

I really appreciated this from David Mathis.

Christians can appreciate the modern term fitness. To call an active, able, healthy human body fit implies that the body is not an end in itself. It’s not for just looking at in photos or on stages, but for doing something, moving, taking actions, accomplishing tasks in the world. True fitness means our bodily ability serves other purposes. The body is fit to do something. The question is, Fit for what?

(David Mathis | Desiring God)

Mise-en-Place for Knowledge Workers: 6 Practices for Working Clean

Mise-en-place is about bringing together all the tools a chef needs in close proximity, prepped for immediate use, so that they can just execute – quickly, consistently, and sustainably.

I’m not a particularly organized person by nature. But I’ve learned that keeping things in their proper place isn’t about being type-A. Being organized is more about leaving as little friction as possible between you and the actual work of work. In this regard, chefs have a lot they can teach us.

(Forte Labs)

Doing Less is More (or Reduce Your Life Clutter)

One of the key things I had to learn (and continue to learn) as a follower of Jesus is how God’s math is not mine. The way things work out best is not always by what we understand directly or even by experience.

(Nothing Wasted Life)

The Allure of Convenience

Appreciated this thoughtful analysis of convenience food, some of the spiritual implications, and what we’re missing out on as Christians when we take shortcuts with what we consume.

Over the years, we’ve become convinced that food preparation is too hard, too time consuming, too impractical.

Why cook from scratch, or even cook at all, if we can have one of those meals that—as promised—cooks in minutes? Or, if with no more effort than a few taps on our smartphone screens, our favorite restaurant will deliver to our doors?

(Consuming Ourselves)

✍️Quote of the Week

“The essence of boredom is to be found in the obsessive search for novelty” – George Leonard

⌛️That’s All for this Week

Thanks for reading!

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See you next week!

– Reagan

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