Reagan’s Roundup (12/27)

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Welcome to Reagan’s Roundup, where every Friday I share links to things from around the web that I think you will find interesting or helpful in your journey to become a better steward of the life God has given you.

Merry Christmas, to you!

Now, here are some other links from around the web:

Poured Out, Not Burned Out

“This should serve as a challenge to those of us in Christ’s service today. The trend today is to look out for our own preservation in order to avoid the symptoms normally associated with burnout in ministry. Terms like ‘self-care’ are often employed. Many involved in ministry divide their day or week into sections with a certain percentage reserved for their own care, and a certain percentage reserved for the help of others. But Paul seems to view his whole life as being given for others, and ultimately for Christ. For Paul, ‘To live is Christ.’ How did Paul avoid burning out while still being poured out?”

American Gospel: Christ Crucified

What you believe about the cross of Christ has eternal consequences. Stop that you’re doing and go watch this film. I know you won’t regret it.

”The gospel message of ’Christ crucified’ has always been offensive. In our culture it is common for preachers to soften the offense of the cross, and the attributes of God that are displayed in the person of work of Jesus Christ. ’American Gospel: Christ Crucified’ explores how the paths of post-modernism and progressive Christianity lead to a different gospel, and a god created in our own image.”

I’ve written a full review for another publication which I will link to in a future roundup. But it’s available to rent now, so go check it out.

‘Advertising breaks your spirit’: the French cities trying to ban public adverts

“When you walk down the street, how can you feel happy if you’re constantly being reminded of what you don’t have? Advertising breaks your spirit, confuses you about what you really need and distracts you from real problems…”

2020 Bible Reading Plans

Ligonier’s annual roundup of Bible reading plans. I’m certain you can find something to help you start 2020 off on the right foot.

How to be an Ultralearner

“The MIT Challenge exemplifies what Young calls ‘ultralearning,’ an intensive scheme for self-education that enables people to become fluent in a language in a few months, master Jeopardy! or Scrabble, learn to draw, design, or make Pixel art. An ultralearner may devote himself full-time to a particular task.”

That’s it for this week! I’ll see you on Monday with a new episode of the Redeeming Productivity Show and on Wednesday with a new blog post.

But until then, remember that in whatever you do, do it well and do it all to the glory of God!

– Reagan

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