Reagan’s Roundup (7/3)

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Welcome to this week’s edition of Reagan’s Roundup!

Happy 4th of July weekend to my fellow Americans. Praying you enjoy some rest this weekend. Here are some links to fuel your journey toward being a more productive Christian.

Now, for what’s happening on the web:

Pastors on Social Media

Excellent thoughts from Jonathan Leeman on pastors and their use of social media. There’s good food for thought here even if you aren’t a pastor.

Face to Face with the Holy One

If your life’s ambition is to bring glory to the holy God of the universe, it would be wise to reflect on his holiness and glory. Check out this from John MacArthur, “No human eyes have ever seen the full manifestation of God’s holiness and glory. But some biblical authors caught a glimpse and lived to tell the tale.”

Actual 1950s Proposal: Nuke Alaska

This is just interesting, “In 1958, the government wanted to nuke Alaska. Called Project Chariot and proposed by physicist Edward Teller, the intent was to use six hydrogen bombs to create a deep-water harbor near Cape Thompson.”

How iPhone Home Screen Widgets Work in iOS 14

I had previously mentioned this forthcoming update to iPhone, but this article gives some more detail on how exactly the new home screen widgets were work. I can already imagine a few ways to use these to enhance my productivity.

What Is Self-Discipline?

From Steve Lawson, “Growth in personal holiness is largely determined by our progress in self-discipline. Without this foundational discipline, there can be no advancement in grace. Before other disciplines can be administered, whether in the home, business, or church, there first must be self-discipline.”

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