Reagan’s Roundup (9/25)

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Welcome to this week’s edition of Reagan’s Roundup!

Here are some links to fuel your journey toward being a more productive Christian.

Now, for what’s happening on the web:

Do Smartphones Make Us Dumber?

“The mere presence of the device, in other words, sapped cognitive resources. The effect was particularly pronounced in those who self-reported to be heavy phone users.”

Stewarding a Body in Sedentary Times

“Much of what we call ‘technology’ does not actually help us to become more productive at our work but rather does our work for us. While claiming to help us become more efficient, this sort of technology actually trains us to do little or nothing at all.”

4k Enhanced Atomic Blast Footage

I’m a sucker for these restored old film footage videos. But this one is more than just interesting, it’s downright terrifying.

For His Glory and Our Good

From the Grace to You blog, “In times of disappointment and trials, believers take great comfort from the apostle Paul’s reassuring words: ‘And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose’ (Romans 8:28). The promise of that verse is often a beacon of hope for suffering Christians, giving them confidence that the Lord is not indifferent to their plight.”

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  • Have you looked at some material from Scott Ritsema? He has all kinds of DVDs on how media is affecting us including Media on the Brain and Media Mind. They come from a Christian perspective which I love. How website is Belt of Truth

    • I haven’t heard of Scott Ritsema or Belt of Truth ministries. Checking them out now! Thanks for the recommendation.

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