Social media was proving to be a hindrance to my faithfulness as a Christian, so I permanently deleted my social media accounts.
4 Prayers for the New Year (Colossians 1:9–14)
At the start of the New Year, I want to encourage you to resolve to read your Bible more because Christian maturity is downstream from knowing the...
Best Bible Reading Plans for 2024
10 of the best Bible reading plans broken down by how much time they require you to read per day.
Life Update & Productivity Changes I’m Making in 2024
A little behind-the-scenes reflection on 2023 and some of my plans for the coming year.
8 Tips for Becoming a Better Reader
Reading is a skill that provides a lifetime of value. Here are a few tips I've picked up over the years that have helped me become a better reader.
How to Set God-Honoring Goals (And Actually Reach Them)
There's a big difference between setting a goal and setting a good goal. These five questions will help you craft goals that are God-honoring...
What social media does to your soul | Digital Liturgies Book Review
The internet is changing us in ways we don't even realize. My review of Digital Liturgies by Samuel D. James.
A Christian’s Perspective on Minimalism
Minimalism says owning fewer things and simplifying one’s life leads to happiness. But how should Christians think about minimalism?
The Myth of a Balanced Life
Everyone wants a more balanced life. But is balance really what Christians who are seeking to steward their lives for God should looking for?
On Knowing When to Quit (Farewell Episode)
Here are the principles we can use to determine when it's time to say goodbye to a project, job, or opportunity.