⏳Surviving the Trenches

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“Love the LORD, all you his saints! The LORD preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride. Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the LORD!”
Psalm 31:23–24

Dear steward,

This edition of the Roundup is a bit lighter than usual. I’m heads-down putting the final touches on the manuscript for my new book this week. The finish line is in sight and I’m looking forward to rejoining the land of the living next week.

Seasons 5 of the Redeeming Productivity show is scheduled to hit your podcast players on March 7th. And I’ve got an exciting list of guests and episodes lined up for you. So, make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss an episode.

In the meantime, I’ve had the privilege of being part of a really fun segment on The Local Youth Worker podcast the last couple of weeks. You can listen to those episodes here.

Now, let’s get into the Roundup!

????‍????The Roundup

Sometimes Leaders Need to be Carried (4 mins)

The truth is, our leaders need to be carried sometimes. At all times, they need to be carried to the Lord in prayer. This is the single best thing you can do for those who are responsible for your spiritual upbringing. They need your prayers more than they need your praise, and they certainly need your prayers more than your advice.”

(Jared C. Wilson / For the Church)

Burned-Out College Student, You Belong to God (3 mins)

You might opt out of building your identity in academics, but your professors will still assign the same amount of homework. You can resist achievement culture all you want, but you still live in it. So, is there any hope of escaping burnout?”

(Andy Cimbala / The Gospel Coalition)

How I use Notion for my Personal Knowledge Management (8 mins)

I always appreciate these kinds of breakdowns of how people use different tools to organize their lives.

“In this article, I am going to give you a brief overview of some of my growing PKM systems, my library (and some of the connected databases), and how I quickly capture information on the go in Notion to be sorted and organized later.”

(Chloe Roberts / The Sweet Setup)

Closeness Comes Through Fire: How Suffering Conforms Us to Christ (6 mins)

We expect some types of sanctifying suffering, but not those sufferings that border on the unspeakable. When these come, the idea that they sanctify us may feel unhelpful. Though we might say to a friend who had a flat tire, “How is God growing you through that?” we know that we should never ask such a question to someone when “the waters have come up to my neck” (Psalm 69:1). The basic principle is true — God sanctifies us through suffering — but there are more elegant and personal ways to talk about it.”

(Ed Welch / Desiring God)

????Quote of the Week

Boredom is actually a crucial warning sign—as important in its own way as physical pain. It’s a sign that our capacity for wonder and delight, contemplation and attention, real play and fruitful work, has been dangerously depleted.

Andy Crouch, The Tech-Wise Family

Resurfaced with Readwise.

???? Something I Like

My friend and frequent podcast guest, Joe Barnard, has a new book out called Surviving the Trenches: Killing Sin Before Sin Kills You.

I had the privilege of writing an endorsement for the book. Here’s what I said about it:

“Joe Barnard has shown the spotlight on one of the most neglected areas in modern Evangelicalism: The purposeful, deliberate mortification of sin in the believer’s life. With tactical clarity Barnard describes the Enemy’s devices and presents practical strategies for waging war with indwelling sin. Surviving the Trenches is a call to spiritual arms that should be read by every Christian.”

The book also comes with a free 10-week program that helps you develop simple routines, bodily discipline, and spiritual friendships.

Learn more about Surviving the Trenches or pick up a copy for yourself.

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⌛️That’s All for this Week

Hit reply to send me link suggestions for future issues or just to say hey.

I’ll see you next time!

– Reagan

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