They say the average adult make around 34,000 individual decisions per day. So how should we approach decision making as Christians?
99% of Productivity is Prioritizing
Most people think productivity means doing lots of things. As if busyness and productivity were synonyms. But that is entirely untrue.
Porn Is Destroying Your Productivity
Porn destroys productivity because it leaves you with a guilty conscience. And a guilty conscience is no trifling matter.
How to Be Productive Without Annoying Everyone Around You
As Christians, we want to be people who exhibit Christ-like love. And Christ-like love means self-sacrifice. Sometimes that sacrifice is your own...
Resources for Memorizing Scripture
In this article, I share some of the best books, articles, apps, and other resources for learning to memorize Scripture.Every Christian should make a...
More Than Influencers
There is a corner of this world brimming with darkness, and it is one into which few believers choose to shine their light. The fields of the...
Are Productivity Hacks Making You Greedy?
It is right and good to seek to be good stewards of our resources, but productive Christians must be on guard against becoming miserly.
8 Strategies for Developing Christ-Honoring Self-Discipline
In the previous article, I showed you why discipline is the gateway to Christian maturity. As promised, I will now present some practical strategies...
Self-Discipline Is the Gateway to Christian Maturity
Discipline can be cultivated, it can be grown, and by it we too can grow into Christlikeness. Let’s look at exactly what Christian discipline is, why...
How to Stop Being Afraid of People, So You Can Start Getting Stuff Done
Fear of man dilutes our witness, destroys our confidence, diminishes our productivity, and dishonors God. But it can be beat.