Dear steward,
Here’s your weekly roundup of resources and insights to help you on your journey to becoming a more productive Christian.
In Today’s Issue:
- Theology of work
- Must have productivity apps
- Is it wrong to switch jobs for better pay?
- Kids are staying closer to home
- The antidote to busyness
- 5 Bible verses on Christian productivity
The best links I found this week
The Theology of Work (12 mins)
Jonny Ardavanis / For the Gospel
“In Christian circles today there seems to be an overemphasis on the good, necessary, and Biblical subjects of rest and sabbath at the expense of providing a Biblical worldview of work. I hear many millennials and Gen Z’rs asking me if I have read the recent books on rest, sabbath, shalom, and busyness, but am rarely asked: ‘Jonny, have you read this new book on the God honoring and human dignifying theme of work?’”
I’ve seen this same shift Johnny describes here. A thorough theology of work is lacking in the church today, and not just among Gen Z.
Matt Birchler’s Must Have Productivity Apps (6 mins)
Matt Birchler / The Sweet Setup
It’s always fun to nerd out over someone else’s productivity setup. Some apps on this list I use myself, but many I’d never heard of before.
Is It Wrong to Switch Jobs Just for Better Pay? (3 mins)
Amy DiMarcangelo / The Gospel Coalition
Helpful thoughts on an issue many of us have faced.
Amy offers a couple of diagnostic questions to help you think through this one:
- How will a job change affect your ability to live for God’s mission?
- What’s driving your desire for more money?
Decrease in Kid’s Ranges (1 min)
I just thought this was interesting.
Over the past 100 years, the distance parents allow their children to walk from home unattended has continually shrunk. I saw someone share this graphic on Twitter to illustrate the trend with how far from home 8-year-olds were permitted to walk alone over 4 generations.
- 1919 – six-mile range
- 1950 – one mile
- 1979 – half mile
- Today – 300 yards
I had a pretty decent multi-mile range when I was growing up in the late 80s and 90 and we didn’t even have cell phones. But if I’m honest I can’t imagine letting my kids do that today.
Has the world become more dangerous, parents more paranoid, or both?
What do you think is going on?
Quote of the Week
The antidote to busyness of soul is not sloth and indifference. The antidote is rest, rhythm, death to pride, acceptance of our own finitude, and trust in the providence of God. – Kevin DeYoung
New on Redeeming Productivity
Working with Purpose: 5 Bible Verses About Christian Productivity (5 mins)
God’s Word has more to say about personal productivity than you might expect. Here are 5 verses I find myself returning to again and again as reminders of how God wants me to think about the life He’s charged me to steward.