⏳Midlife crisis, working from home, and the dangers of success

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Dear steward,

Phew! It’s been a long couple of weeks.

Thanks for your patience during the launch of Redeeming Productivity Academy. We’re back to just the weekly Roundup emails now.

If you missed the deadline for RPA, click this link and I’ll put you on the waitlist so you’ll be the first to know when registration next opens.

Also, if you didn’t join RPA this time around, I’d love to know why.

Take this 60-second survey and let me know.

As a thank you, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a free annual membership to RPA (valued at $250).

And I just have to say…

I am constantly blown away that anyone cares at all about what I have to say about productivity from a Christian worldview. The fact that so many of you read my newsletter, listen to my podcast, and watch my videos is already mind-boggling enough. But that some of you purchase my courses, participate in RPA, or support Redeeming Productivity via Patreon or donation, that’s just incredible!

I’m so thankful that I get to talk about the vital topic of productivity from a Christian worldview full-time.  Thanks so much for reading and thanks for your support! I pray this ministry is a blessing to you.

Okay, enough mushy stuff. Let’s get into this week’s Roundup!

🧑‍💻The Roundup

Midlife Clarity: Five Proverbs for Men in Crisis (7 mins)

“In sum, Piper captures midlife as ‘a critical stage in life when physical changes, marital stresses, children’s challenges, vocational aspirations, and the burdens of success (or failure) create the conditions for meltdown.’”

(David Mathis / Desiring God)

Apple’s Director of Machine Learning Resigns Due to Return to Office Work (1 min)

It’s been fascinating to watch the transformation of office work as a result of COVID-19. A lot of big companies are just now attempting to return to in-person work and I’ve heard many stories of people choosing to leave their jobs rather than give up working from home. This one is a rather high-profile case, given that it’s Apple and Ian Goodfellow is one of the top people currently working in AI.

(Sami Fathi / MacRumors)

Keys To Knowing God’s Will for Your Life (3 mins)

“Your greatest focus should always be on whatever is plainly his will right now. Better than focusing on what God may have for you a year or a decade in the future is doing what God has provided for you today.”

(Tim Challies)

Readwise Now Lets you Save Twitter Bookmarks Automatically

Readwise is one of my favorite tools for aggregating quotes and snippets of information from books, articles, and other sources all into one place.

They’ve added a lot of new features since I did my video on Readwise last year. But this week I discovered one of the latest features: the ability to capture your Twitter bookmarks into Readwise automatically.

Also, if you ever want to check out Readwise for yourself, use my link and we’ll both get a free month.


Success is Dangerous (3 mins)

“Sometimes God’s people succeed greatly at things he hasn’t actually called them to do, but sometimes in his strange wisdom he grants extraordinary, legitimate successes to his children. But with such glories should come many cautions. We all prefer success to failure but, really, success is more dangerous.”

(Jared C. Wilson / For the Church)

So the $35 sculpture you got at Goodwill was looted from a museum during WWII. Now what? (5 mins)

This is just a fascinating story.

“Back at home, Young had a problem: She was in possession of a looted piece of ancient art. She couldn’t keep it. She couldn’t sell it. And giving it back to its rightful owners was a lot harder than it sounds.”

(Matt Largey / KUT)

🖋Quote of the Week

“What does it say about me that I’m frequently overwhelmed? What do I need to learn about myself? What biblical promises am I not believing? What divine commands am I ignoring that I should obey? What self-imposed commands am I obeying that I should ignore?”

– Kevin DeYoung

Resurfaced with Readwise.

💬 Sponsor

This week’s newsletter is sponsored by Loopin—an awesome Chrome extension that helps people who have a lot of meetings be more productive.

Notes, Tasks, and Meetings on Google Chrome and Meet!

Loopin’s Chrome Extension brings meetings, notes, and tasks together on your calendar to make meetings productive. It is the perfect companion if you spend most of your day in meetings. The best part – it’s accessible at the click of a button, right where you work – Google Chrome, Meet, Calendar, and Mail.


📝 Inbox for your meeting notes

All meeting outcomes attached to where they should be — the meeting! Similar meeting notes are auto-connected for all meetings so you can switch context in seconds.

📍Notifications on all tabs

Lost in Chrome tabs? Not sure which link to join? Get notifications on the tab you’re on. Never miss a meeting.

🏃‍♂️Running late notifications

Running late to a meeting? No problem, notify all meeting attendees with the click of a single button.

🎯 Focus on the meeting

No more switching tabs and applications to capture meeting notes. Capture meeting notes, decisions, and action items without losing focus on the conversation.

🌐 Share everywhere

Notes go where the rest of your team is. Send via email, to Slack, or your Notion workspace.

🤠 Pardners*

  • Protect your soul with screen accountability software. Try Covenant Eyes free for 30-days with promo code “ROSE”
  • Redeem your commute by listening to audiobooks from Audible. Listen free for one month.
  • When it comes to calendars out of sight often means out of mind. See your whole year at a glance with NeuYear giant wall calendars.

Pardners are paid classifieds or affiliate links that support Reagan’s Roundup. To enquire about placing a classified ad in Reagan’s Roundup, simply reply to this email.

⌛️That’s All for this Week

Hit reply to send me link suggestions for future issues or just to say hey.

I’ll see you next time!

– Reagan

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